My name is Kimberly Kimistry
Annnnd, to put it plainly, I took a trip. One that would allow me to experience life outside of my current state of existence. I had been conformed to who I was at the time and who I needed to become called out to me. The problem was that I didn’t know the difference between what was real versus my perceived truths.
I figured the best place to uncover this mystery resided in nature so journeyed highway 1 along the coast of Cali looking for answers. Surprisingly, the thing that intrigued me were trees. As a twin fish, (PISCES in the house!) I anticipated the water capturing me most, but I was wrong. I guess my energy reflected the feeling of being a fish out of water looking to restore my gills, yet, along the journey I found my wind. I found my peaceful resting place inside of my ability to be feminine in such a harsh, entrepreneurial world.
After coming back to Milwaukee to quit my career of being a HS science teacher & basketball coach, I started designing clothes, teaching sewing, and developed a creative space (The Kimistry Lab) for my fellow creative entrepreneurs to have a home. Now, 5 years later I finally have my hands on it. A fragrance I found within me. A fragrance that in this terrestrial place, I can still remind myself to be feminine, soft, and free.
This is Kimistry. This is where you can BE.

So I’m a freelance creative who happened to be a really good designer with a beautiful perfume.
I am taking my time being me and my hope is that all things that come from me are from within and brings Kimistry.